A Brilliant Gamble

How should you spend your working day?

Episode Summary

How should you spend your day when you work for yourself? In today’s show I talk about two concepts to help you organise your time around what’s really important.

Episode Notes

How should you spend your day when you work for yourself?

Of course, there is no such thing as a typical day when you run your own business (which can be a problem for you if you’re used to structure!). But given that your time is largely yours to organise it’s useful to be intentional about what you prioritise.

In today’s show I talk about two concepts to help you organise your time around what’s really important.

I will divide activities in to three categories - big rocks, small rocks and sand.

I also talk about Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix.

This episode will help you:

You can read my blog about the ‘Flow’ concept discussed in this episode and don’t forget to join Corporate Escapees on Facebook if you haven’t already. There's tonnes of advice and support over there to help you navigate your way through the journey towards doing what you love for a living.

Stay in touch with us on Facebook, Twitter and of course, the website.