A Brilliant Gamble

Episode 13: Can Business Be Happy? An interview with Laurence McCahill

Episode Summary

This week I'm talking to the co-founder of Happy Start Up, a business school with a difference. Happiness - not the smiley-all-time kind but deep-sense-of-fulfilment kind - lies at the heart of their business philosophy. What if business could meet your personal needs, be an expression of your values and, by the way, do good in the world (even in some small way)? Laurence talks to me about the Happy Start Up Canvas - a 7 part, one-page business plan template that helps budding entrepreneurs think through the foundations of their business idea. However, after 17 years in business I found it useful to test my business model against these 7 areas too. What would your answers be if you ran your function, role, or company through the same template? If you run your own company, or are thinking of starting, you'll get lots of food for thought from Laurence. But if you work for an established, big business, I think you'll enjoy this insight in to the mind of the funky, start-uppy world that the disrupters come from. To share your views tweet (@blairepalmer), instagram (@blairelyspalmer) or email (blaire@thatpeoplething.com). And please share this podcast and comment on iTunes! We're growing and we want more and more people to hear these ideas!

Episode Notes

This week I'm talking to the co-founder of Happy Start Up, a business school with a difference. Happiness - not the smiley-all-time kind but deep-sense-of-fulfilment kind - lies at the heart of their business philosophy. What if business could meet your personal needs, be an expression of your values and, by the way, do good in the world (even in some small way)? Laurence talks to me about the Happy Start Up Canvas - a 7 part, one-page business plan template that helps budding entrepreneurs think through the foundations of their business idea. However, after 17 years in business I found it useful to test my business model against these 7 areas too. What would your answers be if you ran your function, role, or company through the same template? If you run your own company, or are thinking of starting, you'll get lots of food for thought from Laurence. But if you work for an established, big business, I think you'll enjoy this insight in to the mind of the funky, start-uppy world that the disrupters come from. To share your views tweet (@blairepalmer), instagram (@blairelyspalmer) or email (blaire@thatpeoplething.com). And please share this podcast and comment on iTunes! We're growing and we want more and more people to hear these ideas!