A Brilliant Gamble

90 Smallholding, with Libby Syddall

Episode Summary

I have a wonderful conversation with Libby Syddall who owns the smallholding we’ve been staying at for the last 2 weeks. She gives me a lot of very useful advice and shares her own story of leaving her job to run her smallholding full time, and the lessons she’s learnt along the way.

Episode Notes

6 months ago, almost to the day, we set off on our Big Trip. In a few weeks it comes to an end. But although that particular adventure is drawing to a close, we’re not done with Brilliant Gambles. Quite the reverse. When we return from Ireland, our final destination, we will move in to our new home – a two and a half acre smallholding in Somerset.

The new Brilliant Gamble – growing our own food, rearing our own animals and trying to live more lightly on the planet – kicks off at the same time as our new ONLINE COACHING PROGRAMME! What were we thinking??

At the end of this episode I give you more information about how you can sign up to A Brilliant Gamble Online and get all the support you need to turn your dreams of a more blended life in to a reality.

But before I get in to that I have a wonderful conversation with Libby Syddall who owns the smallholding we’ve been staying at for the last 2 weeks. She gives me a lot of very useful advice and shares her own story of leaving her job to run her smallholding full time, and the lessons she’s learnt along the way. You’ll love this interview if moving to the countryside is a dream of yours OR whatever Brilliant Gamble you’re imagining for yourself or already undertaking.

You can find out more about Libby and her chickens on her Ham Street Hens Facebook page.

You can pre-register or sign up to A Brilliant Gamble Online and you can stay in touch with us on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and of course, the website