A Brilliant Gamble

89 Anger is our shadow but it's also our power with Clare Russell

Episode Summary

Every journey has its call to return. Our hero must return to normal life (or life starts feeling normal again) and bring home the lessons he or she has learnt, ready to embark on the next adventure with a new level of awareness and courage.

Episode Notes

Every journey has its call to return. Our hero must return to normal life (or life starts feeling normal again) and bring home the lessons he or she has learnt, ready to embark on the next adventure with a new level of awareness and courage.

Well, we are at that point in our Big Trip. One more foreign foray and then we’ll be settling back to life in the UK...but don’t worry. We’re not going all conventional all of a sudden. We’re just starting our next Brilliant Gamble and seeing if we can deepen our learning and apply it to a new adventure. Can we maintain and improve the integration between work, life and self that we’ve found while traveling? How do the practices and habits I’ve been learning apply when we get “back home”? And what new lessons are there to learn from our next journey in to the unknown?

I’m being a bit cryptic because I want to share the plan with you in full in a couple of weeks! But the subject of embarking on a new journey and learning lessons is so at the front of my mind at the moment it seemed a good time to learn a little about The Heroine’s Journey. That’s right! Heroine’s have a journey of their own.

Just as all of us have the Hero within us, we also have the Heroine, and her journey is subtly different. My guest today is Clare Russell who’s an expert in The Heroine’s Journey and talks me through what’s different...with me trying to make sense of our recent experiences through this new lens.

I highly recommend listening to the show and reflecting on The Heroine’s Journey you’re on, have been on or are about to go on.

You can find out more about Clare on her website where you can also sign up to one of the Circles she runs. I’m keen to get along to one of these myself at some point. Just what I need! She’s also written a number of articles going in to more detail about The Heroine’s Journey so you can dig a little deeper in to your own story too.

On Friday 14th September 2018 at 7pm BST you can join me for my first Psychologies Magazine Facebook Live! I will be talking about Brilliant Gambles, the lessons I’ve been learning from our Big Trip and how you can get started on a Brilliant Gamble of your own. Please do join me. You can sign up to the Psychologies Facebook page here. I’d love to see you there!

Thank you for listening and please stay in touch with us on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and of course, the website